
architecture tools

hi everyone, in this blog im goin to talk to you about the tools that i use to my carrer, architechture.    This tools we can divided on two groups, the "real" and the digital tools, during my first year like  a architecture student i had to work with many kind of diferents materials, tools, trush, cloth and more.  also i had many subjects that make me draw, print, cut, pint, take photographs and other activities using my hands to feel and express.  But since the pandemi start, all of this activies are coming to dissapear, because now, all of us have to work woth digital tools. this is good and bad. in first place, i think that we must learn to use this digital tools and programs, its basic to all new architecture or engineer, this things help us to show our ideas and proyects. But on the other side, the hours that we have to work on the PC are making me hate the computer. My eyes and back are suffering the damaged provocad by the pc screen.    its ver...